With controlled and intensive production characterizing modern fruit growing Atos initiated a new chapter in apple production on the southern slopes of Fruska Gora. Integral production represents a new, modern method of production based on scientific principles increasing the participation of professional staff and organizations in the production ...
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Owing to modern technological standards of storing our refrigerator secures controlled atmosphere and fruit freshness at any time. The refrigerator capacity of 320 tons, with ULO technology, enables the preservation of unchanged properties of the apple on determined temperature and in controlled atmosphere ...
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Using several different types and kinds of packaging enables us to respond to all requests of our buyers. Aware of the fact that quality and attractive package plays a significant role in fruit sale, we have dedicated significant attention to packing process. Depending on the distance of the market, its characteristics and final consumer habits ...
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On the southern slope of Fruska Gora, the pearl of Pannonia Plane, where the nature is untouched, bathing in the sun throughout the day, caressed and cleaned by the natural wind rose, where everything that lives breathes with full lungs, a modern approach to apple production and keeping was initiated in April 2007 ...
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The new name of the winery is "DEURIC WINERY". The change of name is legitimized by the longstanding professional experience and business character of the founder and owner, the investment potential and the vision of capital dispersion ...
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Our apple is not an ordinary product and an ordinary fruit. Our apple is the apple with the name ATOS which it carries with pride and full credit. Apple named ATOS has become a brand, recognizable by its appearance, freshness, taste and health characteristics.
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The idea of growing apples was maturing for a long time. By careful research of different locations, familiarization with different technologies and apple sorts, we have reached a plan we started to execute in April 2007. Long and detailed planning process provided results and the ATOS orchard was rated with highest marks
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31. 01. 2014.
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10. 09. 2013.
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10. 09. 2013.
What makes us so special
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