
With controlled and intensive production characterizing modern fruit growing Atos initiated a new chapter


Owing to modern technological standards of storing our refrigerator secures controlled atmosphere and


Using several different types and kinds of packaging enables us to respond to all requests of our buyers


On the southern slope of Fruska Gora, the pearl of Pannonia Plane, where the nature is untouched, bathing


Responsibility we feel towards our partners, employees and our work has destined us to implement several international quality standards. The standards we have implemented are:

-          GLOBALGAP

-          ISO 22000

Every phase through which the Atos apple passes strict standards regulated by GLOBALGAP and ISO 22000 are applied.

GLOBALGAP is an international commercial standard, designed and introduced by large merchant companies, including the production of primary agricultural products and activities after the harvest. The standard represents a guarantee that all measures and controls have been executed for the product to be safe and healthy.

ISO 22000…