
With controlled and intensive production characterizing modern fruit growing Atos initiated a new chapter


Owing to modern technological standards of storing our refrigerator secures controlled atmosphere and


Using several different types and kinds of packaging enables us to respond to all requests of our buyers


On the southern slope of Fruska Gora, the pearl of Pannonia Plane, where the nature is untouched, bathing

Atos golden delicious

The most significant member of this group on ATOS FRUCTUM plantations is Rainders, and in addition to it, on small surfaces, there are Kloon B and Crielaard. The fruit is large, golden yellow, very sweet in taste with refreshing aroma.

Origin: Old sort, discovered by accident in Virginia, USA. Introduced to production in 1914.

Fruit characteristics: Fruit is large, cone shaped, symmetric and uniform in shape and size. In conditions of large variations between day and night temperatures, being the setting of Fruska Gora region, the fruit of golden delicious are somewhat longer. Such shape is far more appreciated on domestic and foreign market. The skin color of the fruit is golden yellow.

Taste: Extremely sweet taste with very pleasant refreshing aroma.

Picking time: Second half of September

Storing period: very long, up to 12 months